Thursday, January 18, 2007

Kia Ora!!! Aotearoa (Part 2)

oits... where to ya all? okay lets continue our journey from Part 1... Aida was not at all afraid of the suspension bridge!!! In fact she laughed when Daddy 'rocked' the bridge and it swayed a bit.. err... peeps... Mommy dizzy-lar... &*%$#udskl*&^%%$yukdmd*^%#dt!!!!

panth... panth... hmmphh... the hill was quite a hike... kesian Daddy had to carry Aida... sakit pinggang is it? Hmmm... there's a rail track on the side of the steps... yikes!!! Does anyone have any clue yet where we are?

tadaaaa!!! We're at an old gold mine! This is one of the small caves they dug to transport the gold to the ground... see... Tok Wan's such in a chirpy mood... jumpa gold ke Tok Wan?? tu buat handsign tembak.. tembak gold is it....

and snappy snappy before continuing our journey to Rotorua...


Anonymous said...

wah...wah.....NZ???? interesting ....but why Aoteoro something? neway...wah..wah..growth chart? how? where? hahahhhhah

aida looks so happy....very hardly wait for her to come back. yah..yah...your mum and dad too..

take care cheeky niece...

aunt dott

Anonymous said...

Hi Angah...nice job on the blog, keeping me in touch with you guys from a distance...Aida is adorable little girl...Well, just thought I say hello on here and warm regards to you, Adi, the infant daughter, and last but not least, Uncle and Untie, hope they are doing great...


Fazell, Chicago USA

Anonymous said...

Heya Aunt Dott - the growth chart is at the side bar lar...c it now? btw, the chart can guide u on how tall and heavy Aida is u can buy her THAT baju u'd say u saw @ Great Eastern! teeheee love ya!

Uncle FAZELL!!! Hey!!! Mommy miss u dearly!!! is dat ur email? sat ah...i'll write to u later..thanks for dropping by n say hi...hope u r doing great ya!


Anonymous said...

Hi Angah..yes, it was me writing that on your blog...I have never been infatuated with bloggers before but for you sis, I did it...feeling a lot older when someone had refererred me as "Uncle"; yes miss you all dearly too but you seem happy, got your normal shape back as pre-Aida...say hello to Adi..later, just taking a break at work now, got a headache...