Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Big FIVE-O!!!!!!

Aida's birthday present..a battery operated swing!! Why didn't we think of this heaven-sent-spare-hand before?? Thankkkkkyouuuu whoever invented this..

We 'celebrated' Aida 5th months' birthday at the Malaysian Fest 2006 held in Darling Harbour, Sydney.
lepak with Mommy n Daddy....

The fest was about promoting Malaysia to Aussies-there was stage show, dances by mostly Malaysian students in Uni......but of course the highlight is tasting the Malaysian food!! There were crowds' favourite like laksa, nasi lemak, murtabak, karipap, kuey tiow, ABC, air bandung, air tebu, etc..etc...but what Mommy n Daddy REALLY craved was Satay! The queue for Uncle Sam's satay was soooo long until Aida fell asleep!
Aida on her first Biology lesson...
u look like nyonya sayur laaa...

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